Monday, August 17, 2009

Video, Youtube

This has been a trying adventure, it has taken many attempts and countless hours of trying to embed a youtube video into this blog. Try as I might I have not been successful, for some reason I can only get the audio to come across. There is obviously something I am doing wrong but time is of the essence at this stage, and this old dog is running out of ideas. So in a last ditch effort I will attach a link to the youtube video that I would have liked to attach.

This youtube provides an explaination of how Glow sticks are made, demonstrating how the two chemicals are mixed together when the sticks are cracked. As my Year 2's current transdisciplinary unit is "Light Fantastic", this Youtube presentation would provide an engaging introduction to an enquiry lesson on sources of light, particularly focusing on chemicals. It could lead into discussion about neon lights even on to lightning. The direction it takes would depend on the depth of knowledge the learners have obtained. As Siemens (2004) explains learning "is focused on connecting specialised information sets, and the connections that enable us to learn more."

PS I have finally worked it out, I was looking for more than was necessary, in fact embedding a youtube video was as simple as copying the embedding link from alongside the clip in Youtube, then pasting into my blog. Some times it seems just too easy.

Seimens, G. (2004) Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, elearnspace everything elearning. Retrieved 23rd July 2009 from

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