Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Podcasts, this is one of the tools that I would most certainly use within my learning design. As a self diagnosed Auditory learner, I can see the many benefits of using this technology to assist my learners. I'm not sure if it is just me, but I find that I understand better if I hear the instructions or information and I make connections quicker if I see it modeled or related to something visually. According to the Social Cognitive Theory, people learn effectively if they observe, attend to and perceive accurately the significant features of modelled behaviour. Zimmerman & Kitsantas, ((2002)in McInerney & McInerney, 2006)explain that learning occurs through observation of modeled actions, hearing descriptions and critically analysing.

Students are already using ipods or similar devices on a regular basis, why shouldn't we as Learning Managers take advantage of this and provide resources linked to the learning that they can view or listen to in their own time. Is this not a form of Operant Conditioning through reinforcing the learning, or as Marzano and Pickering (1997) would suggest would we not be supporting the learners to perceive tasks as valuable and interesting through provision of a variety of ways to engage them in classroom tasks.

I have mentioned to my study partner, on numerous occasions, that having university readings and presentations available in Podcast format would assist my learning. There are often occasions when the readings I have read have not been clearly understood, it has been through discussion with peers that the pieces have slowly been put back together.

Using Podcasts as a form of presenting information for learning expereinces would actively support the holistic learning styles of our indigenous learners, as explained by Ernie Grant ()in My Land My Tracks; A framework for the holistic approach to indigenous studies. "Indigenous culture reflects an oral as opposed to written tradition; it relies largely on observation." These students will aquire a better understanding of content if presented in a form hta sits with their natural culture.

McInerney, D. and McInereney, V. (2006) Educational psychology; constructing Learning (3rd Ed), Frenchs forest, NSW, Pearson Education Australia.

Marzano, R. and Pickering, D. (1997), Dimensions of Learning; Teacher's Manual, Aurora, Colorado, McREL (Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory)

Grant,E., (undated)My Land My Tracks; A framework for the holistic approach to indigenous studies, Retrieved on 10th August 2009 from

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