Thursday, August 20, 2009

File Storaage

A free internet site for storing and sharing files and images, immediately my defenses go up. Media Fire provides secure access to your files from any computer, any where, any time. Storing files on such a site allows you to free up some of the storage space on your personal computer. Of course it is available for businesses as well. The instructions and information provided seems clear and straight forward and the idea of freeing up storage space in my computer is inviting, but I am still concerned about security.

This tool could serve as a useful networking resource, where teachers could share lesson plans, resources and ideas for learning experiences. Of course there are all the advantages that, the site itself boast, such as sharing your photo gallery with friends and family, while freeing up storage space on your disk drive.
My question is, to those of you out there who might know, can this site be accessed from within the Queensland Education intranet. If it can't there is little value, for us as future Learning Managers, in storing resources on it.

Below I have added a link to a couple of unfinished powerpoints that I have made, the first Myth or Reality was made last year for use with a year 6/7 class the power point was used to prompt class discussion about each image. Images were only introduced one at a time and once students had a go at providing insight as to the meaning behind it the next image or information snipet was added. This had been a practiced activity where students were expected to work out what the theme of the myth ws from the images provided.
The second powerpoint is the one I am currently working on, I have found it difficult to find free resouces that help younger students to define the characteristics of money and perform simple additions and price comparisons (eg; working out which coins and how many are needed to make a purchase of 35cents) Thsi is a work in progress so please don't be too critical just yet.
MediaFire, (2006, 2009) retrieved 20/08/09

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